Emergency Response Team

How We Win Start A Union

Providing Aid in Times of Crisis

When severe injuries or fatalities occur at USW-represented workplaces, the USW Emergency Response Team (ERT), dispatches highly trained responders to support victims, family members and fellow workers during their darkest hours.

Our team, comprised of highly trained member volunteers, offers immediate aid, stress relief, grief counseling and other resources as they serve as an advocate and intermediary with employers and other parties. Among many other responsibilities, they help arrange trauma counseling, gather information about health insurance, assist with workers' compensation, provide legal information and assistance to families, help address post-traumatic stress disorder and more.

If there's been an accident or emergency at your USW workplace, call the ERT hotline at (866) 526-3480.

Get the Help You Need to Fight Addiction

Are you a USW member who needs help with addiction or assistance helping someone else with addiction?

If so, please fill out the form and a member of our union will get in touch with you as soon as possible so we can connect you with the resources you need.

All information will be kept confidential.


Duronda Pope

Director of Emergency Response Team

Get Help to Fight Addiction

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See how the USW is making a real difference in our communities and our workplaces.