Cheers to a #USWMade vodka bottle and solidarity with Ukraine

As we see everyone around the world emptying their Russian vodka in support of Ukraine, we wanted to remind you of an American-made vodka in a #USWMade bottle. Tito’s Vodka…a twofer…what more could you want?! (More on our thoughts about Ukraine here.)

Our members at USW Local 138 in Indiana, also known as journeyman mold makers, make, weld, and repair glass molds where the margin of error is less than the width of a human hair. From wine and beer bottles to Tito’s vodka, if your bottle has an anchor stamped on the bottom, it was #USWMade at Anchor Glass Container!

P.S. If vodka isn’t your thing, Bulliet Burbon, Captain Morgan and lots of beer, soda, water and other bottles are #USWMade, too! Share the post below to help us spread the message of love and #USWPride!


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