Talk about a winning team! We’re so excited to be able to reveal that we’re working with the United Football Players’ Association (UFPA) in their journey to have a voice for athletes pursuing their career dreams.
Founded in 2020, the UFPA is composed of football players with experience in the National Football League, Arena League of American Football, XFL, Canadian Football League and others.
Together the USW and UFPA will fight to represent professional athletes in the United States Football League (USFL), XFL and other potential leagues who are not covered by contracts like those in the NFL Players’ Association and win the benefits and protections of a union contract.
“Labor, hours and working conditions for players are areas where a union can make a difference and improving them will give everyone an opportunity to thrive,” said Ryan Cave, who played eight seasons of professional football and has been representing players for ten years. “From resolving issues with payroll to dealing with injuries and workers’ compensation problems, players need a strong voice that the USW can help provide.”