USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
The Health Care Workers’ Council (HCWC) will soon be under the guidance of a new coordinator. Effective Feb. 5, Tamara Lefcowitz will be taking over for Mandy Hartz in working with the USW’s health care locals.
“Our health care workers’ council is making outstanding strides in bargaining strong contracts, organizing new units, and strengthening the bonds of solidarity across the sector,” said International President Leo W. Gerard. “We are confident that Tamara will help the council continue to flourish.”
Lefcowitz, who will be based at the International headquarters in Pittsburgh, has ten years of experience working with health care locals.
In addition to extensive work in organizing, she also led the fight against several efforts to privatize government-owned, not-for-profit nursing homes and chaired bargaining committees to negotiate non-concessionary agreements where privatization occurred.
“I’m incredibly proud of everything the health care workers’ council has accomplished,” said Hartz, “and I feel privileged to have been able to work with so many amazing union activists, who are also unbelievably talented, dedicated health care professionals. The council’s future is bright.”
In the past ten years, health care has become one of the USW’s fastest growing sectors, and the union has bargained industry-setting contracts for thousands of workers.
“Mandy did amazing work, and we’re all grateful for her energy, her enthusiasm and her devotion to the success of the council,” said International Vice President Fred Redmond, who oversees bargaining in the health care sector. “We wish her all the best moving forward.”
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