USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
This article is from The Oilworker, Issue 40.
Brothers and Sisters,
As I watch the snow fall outside my window and survey the white landscape, I want to caution everyone to take some extra time as they go about their daily chores and be sure to dress for the weather. Sitting on the tarmac at the Houston Hobby airport for over two hours as we waited to get deiced (they have two deicing vehicles for the airport) I am reminded that this is unusual weather for a number of our members.
Many pieces of equipment, particularly instrumentation, behave differently in this weather, so be on the lookout for anomalies. Expecting the unexpected is a good strategy.
In December 2017, I attended Unite’s National Industrial Sector Conference. Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey addressed the joint plenary sessions. I participated in a couple of workshop sessions that pertain to our oil sector as well as some more general worker-issue breakout meetings. The opportunity to share our common concerns and continue to build support for our respective unions was invaluable. Without a common multinational perspective, we cannot expect to build the union.
Also in December, we had a very productive meeting with the policy committee.
I have received notice of a couple of council meetings that have been set. Again, please send a notification to myself and Julie so I can make plans to attend. It is important that we keep our lines of communication open, and the council meetings are a great opportunity for ongoing dialogue.
Washington State has just released a draft of revised process safety management standard (PSM) language similar to California. Click here to view it.
This is another opportunity to improve the safety of our refineries and help ensure our members go home just as they came to work. The USW has been involved in this process from the beginning, and we look forward to moving this action forward.
The National Oil Bargaining Policy conference location and date is not set yet, but we are exploring a date sometime in September on the West Coast. As soon as plans are firmed up, we will get the notices out so you can start making your plans to attend.
I want to close on a sad note: My friend and staff representative, Brent Petit, was killed in a car accident just after Christmas. Rest in Peace brother; thanks for all you did for working people throughout Louisiana and our union.
In Solidarity,
Kim Nibarger
NOBP Chair
(Office) 412-562-2403
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