Locked Out Steelworkers Taking Action on the Picket Lines in the Community and at ATI’s Headquarters

In the third month of the ULP lockout at ATI, Steelworkers at all 12 sites around the country are stronger than ever and determined to do whatever it takes to win a fair contract.  They’re heading out on the road to visit each others picket lines, organizing activities for locked out families, volunteering in their communities and taking the fight back to ATI’s front door. 


Community Comes Out for Spaghetti Dinner to Support Local 1212 in Midland, PA

On October 10th, the Beaver County Labor Council and other community supporters organized a Spaghetti dinner in Midland, PA for locked out members of Local 1212.  The dinner, which was held at the St. Blaise Parish, brought together locked out members, members of other local unions, and community allies from around the region and raised over $9,000 for the lockout defense fund.


Local 1046 Picket Line Tour Brings Solidarity to Locked Out Locals Across Pennsylvania

On October 11th, locked out Steelworkers from USW Local 1046 in Louisville, OH took the fight on the road with a Solidarity Tour of all of the locked out locations in Pennsylvania.  About 35 locked out Steelworkers loaded into cars to visit their sisters and brothers on the line in Midland, Brackenridge, Natrona Heights, Leechburg, Bagdad, Latrobe and Washington.  Of course, no solidarity trip through southwest Pennsylvania would be complete without a visit to Maddio’s Pizza, a local business in Brackenridge that’s been a strong and vocal supporter of the locked out Steelworkers. 


Locked out Steelworkers in Albany, OR Lend a Hand in the Community

Members of USW Local 7150 in Albany, OR made the papers again for lending a hand in their community.  The locked out Steelworkers heard about the Andersen family whose daughter, McKenzie, was paralyzed by enterovirus. They needed to move into a new, wheelchair-accessible house but needed a new paint job for their current house before they put it on the market.

The Andersens were strapped for money because of expenses associated with McKenzie’s illness so they needed help painting the house so the members of 7150 saw an opportunity to help. On October 14 a dozen locked out members of Local 7150 showed up at the Andersen’s house and by mid-afternoon the once green home was a fresh periwinkle blue with a white trim. 

Cindy Owen a member of the union’s resource team, which coordinated the volunteer effort told the Albany Democrat Herald that without paychecks workers can’t donate money, but “what we can do is offer our resources.”


Locked Out Families Come Together for October Fest in Leechburg

As Halloween approaches and the leaves begin to change, the members of USW Local 1138 at ATI’s facilities in Bagdad, Vandergrift, and Latrobe got together for some fall fest at their October Fest event.  The event was organized by the Local 1138 Wives of Steel and featured a costume contest, a corn hole tournament, food and drinks and other family fun. 

Steelworkers Deliver Thousands of Petitions to ATI, Rally at Plants Across the Country

As ATI reported $145 million in losses during the 3rd quarter to investors, locked out Steelworkers and supporters delivered more than 8,000 petitions demanding an end to the lockout.  The petitions, which were signed online, on the picket lines, and at rallies and other community events called on ATI management to bargain a fair contract with the Steelworkers. 


Click here to view a full set of photos from the petition delivery.

While ATI CEO Richard Harshman refused to come down to meet the couple hundred  Steelworkers and supporters who lugged five sacks and four boxes carrying the thousands of petitions, the company did send a representative down to receive the petitions. 

After delivering the petitions, locked out workers stayed at the company’s headquarters to listen to the 3rd quarter earnings call over a loudspeaker. On the call, Harshman was forced to admit to investors that the company lost $145 million in the third quarter alone. 

The “ATI Corporate Spin Meter” (and many loud boos) responded as Harshman praised supervisors for keeping facilities operating during the lockout.  After the call the United Steelworkers issued a statement responding to ATI’s earnings report. 

In the statement, Vice President Tom Conway said “ATI is trying to paint a rosy picture, but all indications suggest a company that is limping along without its skilled work force. The earnings report is again bleak, and reports from the picket line suggest that the ‘expectations’ the facilities are meeting must have been low for the company to be exceeding them. If the company wants to again return to profitability, it must abandon this ill-advised lockout, so its dedicated workers can return to their jobs and provide the needed expertise.”

While Steelworkers and supporters gathered in Pittsburgh to deliver the petitions, USW members in Albany, Lockport, Washington, New Bedford and Waterbury held events on their picket lines in a coordinated show of solidarity. 


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