USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Update #10 August 28, 2015
Click here to download a PDF of this handbill to distribute in your plant
Our committee continued to meet both internally and with ArcelorMittal management this week in Pittsburgh. Although we are far apart on a variety of economic and non-economic issues, we are encouraged by the overall direction of our most recent discussions.
With our Sept. 1 contract expiration approaching, our committee has chosen to remain at the table and continue to negotiate rather than return to our plants to seek strike authorization from the membership. As long as we are engaged with management, we ask all USW members to continue reporting for work as scheduled.
Please remember that above all, we must stay focused on working safely and watching out for the safety of our coworkers. Especially as we near contract expiration, please review and adhere to the safety procedures established in your area and speak up if you have concerns.
In the meantime, we are mobilizing for major rallies at ArcelorMittal’s corporate headquarters in Burns Harbor and the company’s North American headquarters in downtown Chicago on Sept. 1. We hope everyone who can participate will attend. For more information, visit
The USW is also sponsoring a rally in Pittsburgh at USW headquarters before thousands of Steelworkers march to the corporate headquarters of U.S. Steel and ATI.
We need to continue to send the message to management at all three of these companies that we are committed to negotiating fair contracts throughout the industry and will not allow them to use the current market as an excuse to gut our agreements or create hardship for our retirees.
Stay united, stay strong, and together we will achieve our goals.
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