Committee Awaits Proposal From US Steel

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(July 17) – USW leaders from U.S. Steel facilities around the United States continued to meet every day this week with representatives of the company in Pittsburgh.

The 100 members of the bargaining committee are still hard at work trying to finalize language
on specific issues concerning each of our 14 individual locals, while also meeting in several subcommittees. Those teams, which include leaders from each facility, are focusing on the issues
of Health and Safety, Plant Protection and O&T, Contract Language, and Benefits. We expect
to form additional subcommittees to address other issues as they arise in the coming weeks.

Keep In Touch With Your CAT Team!

Bargaining on local issues has progressed more slowly than we expected, and we understand that some members might be frustrated with the pace of these negotiations in the first few weeks. As a result, we have not had much new information to share with you so far. Still, we are committed to keeping all members as informed as possible, so please keep looking for our regular printed updates, texts and emails, and keep relying on the CAT Teams in your facilities to keep you up to date!

We will make sure that when we do have concrete developments, you’ll always be the first to know.

Slow Pace Not Uncommon

It is not uncommon in negotiations like this for things to get off to a slow start, as each side attempts to first get a feel for where the other expects the talks to go. Still, we are anticipating a proposal from the company in the next week, and our goal remains the same – to reach a new master agreement to replace the current 3-year contract that expires on Sept. 1.

Coming Up: ‘The ABCs of Bargaining’

Also be on the lookout over the next week or so for a document from your CAT Team called “The ABCs of Bargaining.” This document will provide a detailed rundown what we expect the bargaining process to look like between now and Sept. 1, as well as ways in which you can help your bargaining committee by building solidarity in your home locals and your communities. Stay tuned!

In Solidarity,

Your 2015 U.S. Steel Bargaining Committee

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