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Sherwin Must End the Lockout and Stop Demanding Unnecessary Cuts
Sherwin Alumina has released several statements in the past few weeks saying that they are willing to meet to negotiate a fair contract with Local 235A.
Sherwin Alumina locked us out from work on October 11th. It insists that the members of Local 235A accept its last and final offer before it will allow us to return to work. The union has been and continues to be willing to bargain. But Sherwin has not modified its final offer or its demand that we agree to it before it will end the lockout.
“Sherwin continues to stick with the same basic concessionary proposal that Local 235A members already rejected with a 98 percent majority,” said Ben Lilienfeld, USW Sub-District Director. “The USW is ready and willing to work toward a fair and reasonable agreement. But Sherwin hasn’t shown us that it’s ready to be fair and reasonable.”
USW District 13 Director Ruben Garza said that if Sherwin was as committed to reaching a fair agreement as it says, the company would bring Local 235A members back to work.
“Sherwin continues to insist on deep cuts in pay and benefits, all the while paying replacement workers, contractors and security forces to maintain an illegal lockout,” Garza said. “It’s time for this to stop, and Sherwin has the power to stop it.
The USW continues to pursue the unfair labor practice (ULP) charges it filed in January challenging Sherwin’s illegal lockout, which is entering its sixth month.
In addition to accusing Sherwin of an unlawful lockout, the ULP filings allege that Sherwin has failed to bargain in good faith, interfered in union activity, threatened workers, engaged in unlawful surveillance, and failed to provide information to the union in a timely manner.
“These workers want to work. Sherwin must end the lockout, return to the table and bargain a fair contract,” Garza said. “This lockout has hurt these workers, their families and this community, and it is time for it to end.”
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