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United Steelworker Director of Women of Steel Ann Flener is asking Steelworkers to support the Healthy Families Act and make Thursday, February 12 a paid sick days day to remember. People can help by adding their name on the action link below.
On behalf of more than 40 million working people without paid sick days, we urge Congress to support the Healthy Families Act. This important legislation would guarantee up to seven paid sick days per year for workers to recover from their own illness or care for a sick family member.
#HFAnow Tweet Storm
When: Thursday, February 12, 2015, 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET
Hashtags and handles: #HFAnow, #paidsickdays, @PattyMurray & @RosaDeLauro
Promo tweet:
Sample tweets and images available allows your members and supporters to look up their members of Congress easily and tweet support for the Healthy Families Act. Check it out here:
More Resources
Healthy Families Act Coalition Letter Sign-on – Show your organization’s support for the Healthy Families Act by signing the coalition letter. National, state and local organizations are encouraged to sign on and to share with other coalitions. To read and sign on to the letter, click here. Deadline for signing: Friday, February 20, 2015.
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