Research study on shift work, sleep disorders and health – Updated

Announcement: The shift work survey is closing on Jan. 1, 2015. Please submit your completed surveys by this date. If you have requested a survey and have not received one yet please contact the researchers at or call 424-259-2627. You must submit a completed survey to be entered in the drawing for one of two $1,000 gift cards.

The USW is collaborating with the UCLA School of Public Health and UCLA’s Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program on a study to assess the health effects of shift work and shift rotation among USW members in the oil sector.

fatigueParticipating in this study involves completing a health questionnaire and providing information on your work history and work schedule. The goal of the study is to contribute to a better understanding of the link between shift work and sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal illnesses, diabetes, and depression. If you are a USW oil sector member in Districts 12 or 13, are over the age of 25, and have been working for two years or more, you are eligible to participate. The survey will be primarily administered online through a web-based survey over a secure server. However individuals who request a hard copy of the survey will be provided with one. Individual responses will be kept confidential and no identifying information will be saved with your responses. The USW will not know who elects to participate. The survey takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. 

Information about the study will be mailed to all active members in the oil sector by Sept. 25, 2014. Please be alert for this mailing, which will contain more detailed information about the study.

If you have questions, please contact Katy McNamara at or call
424-259-2627. All participants will be entered in a drawing to win a $1,000 gift card.



Please Click Here to review Frequently Asked Questions about the UCLA/USW Shift Work Study.


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