USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
The corporate Scrooge, Sherwin Alumina, actions of locking out 450 workers at their plant in Gregory, TX is trying to take the holiday spirit away from the children of members of United Steelworker Local 235A. Steelworker locals are being asked to help with a project called “Adopt a Child”
The District 13 Women of Steel Adopt a Child program is asking that locals that would like to adopt children, to spend between $25-50 per child in order to keep the amount and type of gifts received by each child relatively equal. If any local would prefer to send money instead, please have the local make the check out to USW 235A and write Adopt-A Child on the memo line, and mail the check to the address below. Putting the comment on the memo line is important for accounting purposes.
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