Register today for the Komen Pittsburgh Race for the Cure in District 10

It’s official… spring has sprung, and the Race for the Cure is just a few short weeks away. If you have already registered for the Race, we thank you! Now is the time to visit your Participant Center to send emails asking friends and family members to donate on your behalf. To make an even greater impact, consider asking them to join you at the Race. ((If you haven’t registered yet, click here to log in and start the registration process. To help expedite the process, we have provided you with your log-in username and password at the bottom of this email.

Race Details Update
Help us create a sea of pink on Race day! Make a donation to receive a beautiful Pink Azalea houseplant in honor of a breast cancer survivor, to pay tribute to a co-survivor or to remember a loved one. A custom-made card will be included with your loved one’s name, your name and, if desired, a short message. Click here for more details. The order deadline is Monday, April 21, 2014. ((

Volunteers Needed!
(It takes hundreds of volunteers to help make the Race a success every year. Consider volunteering at one of our walk-in registration sites or on Race day. Click here to view available volunteer opportunities. ((

Only a Few Bus Seats Remain!(
If you are planning on riding the bus from one of the outlying bus pickup locations, make sure to reserve your seat soon as the buses are filling quickly. Click here for more details and reserve your seat today. ((

If you have questions about the Race(
The District 10 Women of Steel  have a Race for the Cure Team.
For information, contact Kelli Vereb at:

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