USW Members Authorize Strike against Alcoa

Contact: Tony Montana, (412) 562-2592;

PITTSBURGH– The United Steelworkers (USW) today said that members of local unions representing more than 1,500 Alcoa (NYSE: AA) workers have granted their negotiating committee the authority to implement a strike if necessary at the company’s facilities in Warrick, Ind.; Massena, N.Y.; Gum Springs, Ark.; Point Comfort, Texas; and Wenatchee, Wash.

The strike authorization votes were conducted during meetings at each location over the course of the past two weeks. USW members have continued to work under the terms and conditions of a contract that was set to expire on May 15, 2019, when the USW and Alcoa agreed to a temporary extension, subject to termination by either party with notice.

Formal negotiations between the USW and Alcoa broke off with the company demanding major economic and non-economic concessions that the union considers excessive and unnecessary.

USW International Vice President Tom Conway, who chairs the union committee, said that when bargaining resumes, management should come prepared with proposals that reflect an understanding of workers’ contributions to the company’s past, current and future success.

“USW members have dedicated years of hard work and personal sacrifice to keep these facilities operating efficiently and profitably,” Conway said. “Corporate executives and shareholders are reaping the benefits while Alcoa continues to demand concessions too broad and too deep for our members and their families to absorb.”

“Although we hope to resolve the outstanding issues without a work stoppage, our members have delivered a strong message through their overwhelming support for strike authorization,” he said. “We are prepared to fight for the fair contracts we have earned and deserve.”

The USW represents 850,000 men and women employed in metals, mining, pulp and paper, rubber, chemicals, glass, auto supply and the energy-producing industries, along with a growing number of workers in public sector and service occupations.


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