USW Reacts to G-7 Pledge for Action on Global Steel Overcapacity

CONTACT: Holly Hart, (202) 778-4384,

(Pittsburgh) – The United Steelworkers (USW) union issued the following statement today from USW International President Leo W. Gerard after the G-7, consisting of the United States, Canada and other major countries, pledged to address critical issues including global excess steel capacity:

“The G-7 statement gets us closer to action, but still falls far short of what’s really needed. China is the single largest contributor to the glut of steel swamping world markets. Diplomats are still doing what they do best – talking. But American workers need more than talk and empty promises. They desperately need action.

“Industries in the United States, including steel, aluminum, paper and others, are all suffering from China’s non-market economic policies. Massive subsidies and other governmental policies in China continue to fuel excess production. It’s time to stop talking about the problem and actually do something.

“What workers need are clear, comprehensive and enforceable commitments by China that they will reverse course, dismantle excess production and abide by market principles. USW-represented workers making industrial goods ranging from basic steel to stainless pipe and tube need immediate relief.

“We’re appreciative of the attention given by the Obama administration on the global overcapacity issue. There’s been a massive outcry from voters across our nation in both political parties that is giving government leaders the support they need to act.  

“China can’t be allowed to again sit at a negotiating table to make commitments they have no intention of fulfilling. More empty promises will only lead to more empty factories.”

A USW report that identifies past promises of China’s government is available at: Chinese Steel Overcapacity – A Legacy of Broken Promises.

The USW represents 850,000 workers in North America employed in many industries that include metals, rubber, chemicals, paper, oil refining and the service and public sectors.


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