USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
China Found to Illegally Constrain Exports of Raw Materials
Contact: Wayne Ranick (412) 562-2444,
(Pittsburgh) – The United Steelworkers (USW) lauded today’s decision at the World Trade Organization that found that China illegally constrained the export of raw materials, thereby advantaging Chinese producers and increasing costs for U.S. manufacturers.
“China has once again been found to flout international rules to the detriment of our members and their companies,” said USW International President Leo W. Gerard. “The panel report released today confirms what the USW has been stressing for years: the world’s largest exporter is achieving its success through many unfair methods.”
The USW believes that today’s decision adds additional weight to the allegations made in its Section 301 filing last year regarding China’s illegal actions that restrict the export of rare earth minerals.
Said Gerard: “USTR Kirk flagged the distortions caused by the export restraints on key raw materials. These restraints are not just used on the products subject to today’s decision but to rare earth elements, antimony, tungsten and many other products critical to green technology and other industries where China is succeeding by rigging the competition.
“The Obama Administration deserves to be commended for its pursuit of this case and its focus on enforcement. Trade enforcement isn’t an esoteric issue, it’s about jobs. Unfortunately, China’s illegal, predatory and protectionist policies cover a substantial portion of its economy and that has allowed it great success at the expense of the U.S. manufacturing base and American jobs. Still, a case-by-case approach takes time and allows China to get away with far too much. We need to accelerate action and also deal with issues like China’s currency manipulation to help level the playing field.
“To get working Americans back on the job, it is critical that our trading partners play by the rules. We have a long and difficult road with China. Today’s decision demonstrates the criticality of remaining vigilant.”
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