U.S. Senate Letter to Obama Supports USW 301 Petition on China

Action urged against unfair trade practices in green tech goods by 43 Senators

Contact: Gary Hubbard, 202-778-4384 (O); 202-256-8125 (C);  ghubbard@usw.org

Washington, DC (Oct. 1, 2010) – Today’s release of a U.S. Senate letter signed by 43 Senators in support of the United Steelworkers (USW) Section 301 trade petition against China’s unfair trade practices to dominate green technology goods was praised by USW International President Leo W. Gerard. The USW petition was filed last month and requires a decision of U.S. President Obama by Oct. 24.

“We are gratified by the strong support for our Section 301 green tech petition against China’s trade practices now actively being shown in the U.S. Senate with 43 signatures that joins the groundswell shown by a similar letter with 181 Members of Congress that was sent to President Obama earlier this week.

“Senator’s Ron Wyden (D-OR), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) have the thanks of USW members and all American working families by standing up for their jobs and economic justice in the global marketplace.

“The letter’s strong declaration that subsidies, market access barriers, and other market distorting policies that tilt the green goods sector toward Chinese favor at the expense of American workers is a message upon which we all must agree to move forward with action on the USW petition.”

To read the full text of the U.S. Senate letter, click here, and to review the publicly-available portion of the USW 301 petition, click here.  For a copy of the congressional letter signed by 181 Members of Congress on Sept. 28 click here.

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