Bargaining Update: Aug. 31, 2022

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Latest Proposal from USS Is Weak

We met with USS last night, but unfortunately, the USS proposal contained only minor changes to the company’s last, substandard offer.

  • Wage increases (3%, 3%, 3%, 4%)– nowhere near the standard set by Cliffs
  • Still insisting on significant health care changes
  • Vacation – rejected
  • Additional Holiday – rejected
  • Pension Increases– rejected
  • Holding the ratification bonus hostage if we don’t agree to this terrible proposal by tomorrow

We continue to demand they recognize our work and sacrifices with real wage increases and a benefits plan that protects our families now, and through retirement.

Contract Expiration Approaching 

As we approach our contract expiration tonight at 12:01am ET, just after midnight, we will continue pushing hard for a fair agreement. We give our time and our bodies to this work – to make the steel that has literally built our country.

However, we are miles apart and an extension is possible. An extension means we continue our current contract for a negotiated period of time. Under an extension, our jobs, wages and benefits are protected while we continue bargaining.

We have worked under extensions in past round of negotiations and used that time to build even more pressure on the company, and ultimately win good contracts.

Everyone should continue to report to work until notified by your local union president. It’s clear USS is trying to take full advantage of our labor, sweat and sacrifices by claiming “when we do well, you do well”. But when Burritt just received a 17% increase in his base salary and made $19 million last year, it’s hard to believe they mean it.

They’ve raked in record profits recently, paid themselves handsomely and this is the offer we get. smh.

For updates from bargaining, text USS to 47486.

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