USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
The parties began bargaining for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement on Monday April 24, 2023. After initial opening statements in which both parties stated a commitment to reach a fair and equitable agreement, language proposals were exchanged with discussion on each proposal. Several tentative agreements were reached on specific letters within the current agreement but none of any great substance.
On Tuesday April,25 the Union presented the company with our benefits proposal addressing the issues that are important to our membership in regard to affordable healthcare for our members and families. Various pension proposals, 401K, Sickness and Accident, with modest but essential improvements were all part of the package.
On Thursday April 28, the Union presented an economic proposal addressing wages, vacations, holidays, shift and schedule premiums as well as some local issues. The company was less than receptive to our benefits and economic proposals but did present their economic proposal late afternoon and the Union is reviewing. The parties are scheduled to resume bargaining on Monday, May 1 and continue through the week.
As the expiration date of May 15, 2023 nears, the Union is fully committed to reaching a fair and equitable agreement that ensures job security with livable wages and benefits for our members and their families. Factory work, that includes various shifts and schedules, is demanding and we deserve respect for the labor we provide. We will be successful with the solidarity of our membership.
USW Local 104 Bargaining Committee
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