USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
We’re continuing to bargain on how the plant will deal with OT going forward without Indeavor. The company has not been able to meet with us any this week to respond to what we discussed at last week’s meeting. The company is still wanting to be able to force schedule us individually without exhausting the provisions of section 16-A-3 of the contract. We believe that in doing this it is a direct contract violation and have expressed these concerns to them. We will see what they come back with in the next couple of weeks.
The Union Safety Leadership group has been in Pittsburgh this week at the Joint Safety and Health Confrence. This gives them a chance to bring our plant’s safety concerns up to the people in corporate, network with other locals in the aluminum industry, and attend several training workshops that are industry specific, too.
Next week the E-Board and the Bargaining Committee will be attending the annual District 9, Educational Conference. This will provide the newly elected officers with some of the training they need to be successful in their new roles.
Update for the HVAC at the Hall. We ended up having True Comfort Heating and Air come out and get us back up and running. Also, came in at $6700 vs. $7500 on the first quote.
Mark your calendars for 9/28/2024 to come out and see our Vets of Steel at the Little G’s 1st Annual Legacy Car Show, located at Pellissippi Community College in Maryville. Our Vets are going to be there selling food and handing out info for Veterans in the community.
As you can see from what all the Union has been involved in over the past few weeks, we’re really focusing on getting out and giving back in our community. If you want to be a part of this, please don’t hesitate to reach out any of the following folks: the Bargaining Committee, NextGen Chair (Zack Peabody, 865-816-8013), Veterans of Steel Chair (Brian McConnell, 865-995-8218), Women of Steel Chair (Michelle James, 865-850-6684).
We’ve also had several more serious safety events in the plant. Please be questioning your supervisor at the start of every shift for the safety callouts that are sent out after every event. Also, be sure that we are following the SWIs and if they don’t have them for a job that has been assigned, make sure that we are requesting the proper people to come out and create one. Above all, if it’s not safe, STOP and get help! If you have any push back when attempting to perform a Safety Stop, inform your Department Chair, Plant Chair, or get directly in touch with me ASAP. We will get the issue addressed.
We need to be treating our quality the same as we do our safety. If something isn’t meeting the standards, stop and get your foreman. If you get any push back or get directed to continue running bad quality, please notify your Department Chair, Plant Chair, or get directly in touch with me. It’s vital that we get our quality back up to what we used to be.
Please be promoting and sharing the link to this update. I do my best to share it out on all platforms when it gets sent, but I can easily miss one. Thank you for all that you do and stay safe!
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