USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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Good Afternoon,
Today we met with the Company to try and get to a Tentative Agreement with full recommendation from your bargaining committee. We made a final push today to move wages a little higher than what the Company was offering last Thursday. Unfortunately, the Company could not get to where we wanted to move, and gave us their Last and Best proposal. Therefore, the Company did not earn our recommendation.
The bargaining committee feels that this proposal is worth your consideration, and will remain neutral during ratification votes. Of course, we will answer any and all questions you may have. We have scheduled ratification votes on September 25th and 26th at Governors Ballroom by Fireside Inn, Waterville. Keep an eye open for postings on times for the votes.
We meet with the Company tomorrow morning to finalize some loose ends and start work to put all of the package together. We would like to thank you for your patience, and we will hand out the proposal ASAP so that you can take it home to your families.
As a reminder, tomorrow is union t-shirt day. Please show your solidarity by wearing your favorite union shirt.
In Solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee
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