USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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Greetings from your Negotiating Committee.
As most are aware, your committee met with the Company starting on Monday July 22nd and have bargained with the Company all week. The Union has 56 line item non-economic proposals, and the Company has presented 28 detailed (meaning there are several issues within each of their proposals) non-economic items. We have been working to address all proposals, working on low hanging fruit first, giving counter proposals on issues we can work with, and saying no when appropriate. Both parties have some tough items to bargain, and to this point we can say that the committee and the Company are working well to understand the proposals, even if we disagree. Probably the most challenging item on our plate for non-economics is bargaining Maine Earned Paid Leave (mandatory to have a policy), and how this mandatory policy affects current vacation and attendance policies. We have some ideas, but its
important to understand the law itself. The law allows companies to run MEPL concurrently with other paid time off (vacations). The law also allows an employee to call out with MEPL and not be held accountable with a black mark (attendance). We will continue to bargain in good faith, as our job as a committee is to bring back the best proposal we can for your consideration. That cannot happen without working in good faith with the Company.
Our next meetings with the Company are on August 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
In Solidarity with our Brothers and Sisters of 449,
Your Bargaining Committee
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