USW Locals 59M, 65T, and 700T: Contract Update and Strike Authorization Meeting

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Sisters and Brothers,

Most valued and respected Members of USW Locals 59M, 65T, and 700T, please be advised your Local Unions have scheduled a Contract Update and Strike Authorization meeting to be held on Thursday, March 6, at USW Local 700T hall on the following times 7:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., and 6:00 p.m.

The Union will provide a full update on the current status of negotiations, which shall include a full and factual view of the Employer’s proposals.

Attending the upcoming Contract update and Strike Authorization meeting is critical for all union members because it will provide members with essential information regarding the current status of negotiations, which directly impacts working terms and conditions of employment. It is imperative that you make any and all efforts to attend, the decisions made during this meeting could significantly affect our collective future.

Please continue to be patient, stay vigilant, and cognitive of your surroundings. Be safe and dispel any rumors and or speculation; your tasks at hand should be at the forefront of our minds, walking out of the plant the same way we walked in healthy and with our heads held up high. As always, your support is greatly appreciated and required as we continually work toward a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. Any questions, concerns, or comments please do not hesitate to contact your Local Union Negotiating Committee.

In solidarity,

Your USW Local 59M, 65T, and 700T Negotiating Committee

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