Election 2016: Members Speak Out

Gene E. Magruder
Local 8888

Gene E. Magruder, 58, of Newport News, Va., has been a member of USW Local 8888 for 40 years. He serves the local as PAC chair. He works for Newport News Shipbuilding.

“In 1979, when we were forced to strike when we were trying to get a union at the shipyard, the Republican governor of Virginia tried to put us down. He ordered in the state troopers to put down our strike. A lot of people went to jail. Ever since then, every election mattered to me because I knew we had to get the right people in office.

“Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine would not shy away from speaking for unions. If you have a president of the United States who is not afraid of speaking the word union, you are a step ahead.

“She would protect our collective bargaining rights. She has the demeanor and skills to move us forward and prevent us from being robbed of our rights.”



Posted In: Union Matters