USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Web sites, text messaging, e-mail, social media and other digital tools have become a good way to reach the membership and general public. As a result, the USW International is offering many digital tools as solutions for local unions to be able to text, e-mail, have a Web site and a variety of other online services that will facilitate near real-time communication with membership.
These tools have a reasonable cost to the local for the operation of the system and come with the support of International New Media, Information Technology, Communications, Legal and other professional support. Locals may choose to use one or more of the available services, which may change at the discretion of the International.
During the beta testing phase the services will be made available to Participating Local Unions at no cost to the organization. In such time as the beta period is deemed completed a decision will be made as to whether this will be a general offering. In the case where the service is allowed to continue after the Beta testing phase, monthly charges will apply. The Local Union will be notified of any fees and will have opportunity to continue or cease use of the service.
The Participating Local Unions, agree to indemnify and hold harmless the United Steelworkers, and their officers, directors, employees, successors and assigns from and against any and all third-party claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of or related to (i) any use of the Services by Participating Local Unions; (ii) its breach of any term of this Agreement; or (iii) its violation of any applicable law, regulation or right of any third party in any jurisdiction.