Honeywell Locks Workers Out

Contact: John Paul Smith, 618.638.7894,

Metropolis, IL – At approximately 11:45 pm August 1, Honeywell management entered the bargaining room and offered a virtually unchanged proposal, despite the union offering a comprehensive counter proposal 4 hours earlier.  When the Union’s negotiating committee declined to take the offer to the membership for a vote, the company notified the union they would be locked out of the plant effective immediately.

United Steelworkers Local 7-669 President, Stephen Lech, said “Throughout the bargaining process we have, and remain committed to negotiating with Honeywell while our members continue to work. It now appears that Honeywell is not willing to do the same.”

According to Honeywell Plant Manager, Jim Pritchett, the plant will be operated by salary personal, most who have no experience whatsoever in operating the facility.

“It’s unfortunate that the company wishes to put the community at risk and customer expectations in jeopardy when we are willing to continue to operate the plant while we work to reach a fair and equitable agreement.

“Contrary to company statements the disagreement we face is not about money, it is simply about job security for our members,” Lech added.

United Steelworkers District 7 Director Mike Millsap, along with International Staff Representative Kevin Smith, have been with the Local Negotiating Committee for this round of bargaining.

Director Millsap added, “We stand with the bargaining committee and the membership one hundred percent.  The membership has given us a clear directive, and we have to protect their future.”

The union will remain willing to negotiate with the company and operate the facility until we can reach an agreement that is fair for our members and secures our future.  As of now the union is scheduled to meet with the company to resume negotiations at 10am today.

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