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United Steelworkers Local 12075 President Kent Holsing sent a letter to Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris regarding the company’s contributions to organizations that fought for Right to Work (for less) legislation in Michigan and against proposal 2 in last year’s election.
Below is Brother Holsing’s letter:
As the President of United Steelworkers Local 12075 (which represents approximately 900 bargained for employees in the Michigan Operations-Midland site) and as the Chairperson of the Dow North American Labor Council-DNALC (which consists of various international unions with more than 3,000 American members employed at 8 bargained for sites of Dow Chemical) I feel obliged to share my thoughts and concerns regarding the Friday, January 17th article in the Midland Daily News (and other media outlets) on behalf of those I represent.
USW Local 12075 has worked diligently to develop a more collaborative and cooperative relationship in MiOps-Midland. We believe that it is in the best interest of the those we represent and for the Company we work for. We have been there to work through the challenges our site has experienced in the past and will be here for those challenges that we may have in the future. It is that type of relationship that has been recognized as a contributing factor of the competitive successes MiOps-Midland has experienced and enjoyed since 2004.
Likewise, I believe this is also evident in most every bargained for site that participates in the DNALC. Through the DNALC we look to work individually with each site and collectively seek to work with the Corporation for the common good of both parties.
With that, I will acknowledge that Dow Chemical has long held the position that they do not believe that “third party representation” is necessary. They also have taken the position that labor relations is a local issue.
However; in Dow’s Code of Business Conduct, it states that the Company will “…recognize and respect all labor and employment laws… including those respecting freedom of association…” and also that the Company will “…strive to work cooperatively with duly chosen employee representatives in the common pursuit of the interests of the employees and the Company’s mission.” In addition it states that Dow “…recognizes basic principles of human rights…”
It is with this article mentioned above, that is was very disappointing to see that the Company had elected to contribute to organizations that have the objective to erode, if not eliminate, the collective bargaining rights of many of your employees here in Michigan. It seems to be a contradiction of what is stated in Dow Chemical’s Code of Conduct. It is also our concern that it could undermine that cooperative and collaborative relationship our Site and others have put forth to advance the competitiveness of the Company, along with the employment security and well being of our members and your employees.
While we obviously cannot direct the Company as to who they financially contribute to, we would like to request that more forethought be placed into who the Dow Chemical Company contributes to. We believe that any organization that wishes to erode collective bargaining rights is an organization that seeks to erode the rights of working men and women, which includes your employees of the Dow Chemical Company, bargained for and non-bargained for.
While these contributions, as stated in the article, appear to be specific to Michigan, it looks as if this might be a common thread of contributions to other organizations elsewhere. I would hope the Corporation can take another look at the real goals of some of these organizations and the effect they may have on the greater good of your employees. In many cases, there are examples of major corporations that have withdrawn support of similar organizations such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), State Policy Network (SPN), and others like minded groups which have goals that are divergent from Dow Chemical’s Code of Conduct.
Without a doubt there may be some differences between the Dow Chemical Company and organized labor but I believe that there are many more things that we have in common (which would be another e-mail in itself). That is something we must attempt to remember when future contributions are made.
I appreciate the opportunity to articulate my thoughts to you and I thank you for your time and consideration into our concerns.
I am open to any questions or further exchange on the above or any other matter that advances the common goals of both the Corporation and those we represent.
Thank you.
Kent Holsing, President USW Local 12075
Chairperson Dow North American Labor Council
The Midland Daily News ran an article about the company’s support for anti-union causes. Click HERE to read the article.
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