USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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Last year, we asked you to reach out to your state legislators about addressing the deficiencies in Public Act 152. This unfair law forces us to negotiate inadequate healthcare insurance coverage just to keep premiums affordable. The result? Higher deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums that place an enormous financial burden on working families.
Your efforts paid off! In 2024, Michigan passed HB 6058 – a bill that begins to eliminate the arbitrary and unjust Public Act 152. It’s a massive victory for the thousands of public sector workers the USW represents – librarians, crossing guards, public school custodians, EMS workers, bus drivers, and so many others.
But the fight isn’t over. HB 6058 now needs to make it’s way to Governor Whitmer’s desk. Management groups are actively pressuring her to veto the bill because they don’t want to provide workers with the healthcare they deserve – despite record funding for schools and local governments.
If the Governor doesn’t sign this bill, healthcare cost increases expected in 2025 will fall squarely on the backs of public sector workers. We can’t let management be the only voice the Governor hears.
She needs to hear from workers—NOW. Click HERE to send a prewritten email directly to Governor Whitmer’s office. Let her know how critical it is to sign HB 6058 and protect Michigan’s public sector workers from devastating healthcare cost increases.
The solution is here. Governor Whitmer needs to finish the job and sign HB 6058 immediately. Let’s make our voices heard!
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