USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
We are excited to announce the 2025 District 1 Ohio Lobby Day and Training in conjunction with the Ohio AFL-CIO.
Join us Tuesday, May 20, and Wednesday, May 21, at The Plaza Hotel at Capitol Square located at 75 East State Street in Columbus, Ohio. We’ll have a full day of conversation, strategizing and training, followed by a day at the State Capitol meeting with elected officials about issues affecting Steelworkers. Whether you are a new Rapid Response activist or a seasoned one, a Next Gen looking to be more involved, or a Woman of Steel, this event is for you.
The success of the labor movement depends on our ability to build power through activism. Legislative engagement is one of the most effective ways to push back against anti worker legislation and to advocate for legislation that will benefit our members, their family’s and retirees. Through one-on-one conversations with our elected officials, we will show our representatives that we are prepared to fight for, and protect, the things that make the working class stable and strong.
We will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 20, and will conclude on Wednesday, May 21, by 5:00 p.m. Breakfast is included both days. Lunch on Tuesday is also provided, but you will be on your own on Wednesday. A reception hosted by the Ohio AFL-CIO will take place Tuesday evening. Dinner is on your own for both days.
Delegate Registration Form
The registration form, completed in its entirety, should be returned no later than May 9, 2025.
Please mail or e-mail the completed form to:
Lori Gutekunst
USW District 1
20600 Eureka Rd.-Ste. 300
Taylor, MI 48180
Click here for the registration form.
The information provided will assist us in planning for conference space, materials and meals. It will also be used to schedule lobby day meetings.
Hotel Information and Parking
A limited number of rooms has been reserved at the special rate of $139 per night plus tax for the nights of May 19th through May 21st. The hotel will guarantee this rate until the cutoff date of May 9, 2025.
To make your hotel reservation, you may contact the hotel reservation line at 614-365-4500 and tell the hotel you are from the United Steelworkers to receive the special rate.
Daily parking is available at the hotel at the rate of $17 per day and parking is $30 for overnight guests.
Delegate Expenses
As usual all lost time and expenses are the responsibility of the local union which includes travel and hotel stays.
If you should have any questions or concerns regarding our upcoming Conference, please contact Sue Browne at (269) 838-5956 or
Are you and your coworkers ready to negotiate together for bigger paychecks, stronger benefits and better lives?