USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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To: Dave Burritt, Scott Buckiso
It has come to the Union’s attention that there is to be a safety award luncheon put on for contractors at the Pig Caster facility here at Gary Works. While we agree that safety is a core value it should be noted that contractors employed by US Steel are paid very well for their services and part of the expectation for that service is that they are expected to follow all of US Steel’s safety protocols and guidance.
Further, #8 Blast Furnace has been idled, our maintenance forces are being told to cut back on parts needed for jobs for this downturn, the Gary Tin lines are going to be idled, many Employees will be force reduced because of this.
The Union leadership at Gary Works finds this safety luncheon for contractors to be very offensive given our current circumstances and it shows yet again that US Steel has no problem spending money on contractors while not treating their own Employees fairly.
There have been several very serious safety issues that have occurred in the last few weeks with our members as well as others from our industry. Maybe we could spend more resources on US Steel Employees as opposed to this spend for contractors. Maybe we could think about resolving our many unresolved issues so that our members, your Employees can set their focus on working safe and not have their minds on the uncertainty of their future and working with that distraction.
Scott Cranor
Grievance Chairman
USW Local Union 1014
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