USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Brothers and Sisters,
Sorry for the delay in getting an update out to you all. I’m hoping to be back on my bi-weekly schedule now.
3/10-3/12 the Top Table of the all the locals were here for the bi-annual Labor/Management meeting with Top Table of the company.
The Company informed us last week that are business out look for several alloys has drastically improved. This is a much better outlook than where we were just a few months ago.
Below I’m attaching links and contact information to find your Representative and both contacts for our 2 Senators. We need to be actively reaching out to them and let them know that these tariffs on Canadian aluminum will drastically affect our lives and business here in TN. Call or email them and tell them that these can and will have a drastic impact on the business here and at all our master locations for Arconic.
Safety was one the biggest topics for TN at these meetings. We have a very scary trend going and we’ve got to get ahead of this. If the Company asks you to do something unsafe, please, please stop. We need to be asking for the SWI for everything that we’re doing and if one does not exist then they need to provide the resources for us to create one. If they’re not willing to do this, then we stop. If there is a procedure and they don’t want to provide it, we stop. If they want you to deviate from the procedure, we stop. I assure you that you have the full support of the bargaining committee, and the top leaders of the company reaffirmed it to us on 3/12/2025 that we have their support in this as well.
There are supposed to be some moves posted soon. We’re still trying to get the company to shore up the areas that are running shorthanded. We’re also pushing for these posting to include the needed movement for MCS, Machine Shop, and the Truck Shop.
We’ve set up a joint apprenticeship committee again to work with the company and Pellissippi to develop a path that we no longer hire for the CDP-E from the street.
Rain or shine the drawing for the raffle will be done in the 3:30pm meeting on May 8th. So, if you’re wanting to get tickets or purchase any additional tickets please get in touch with Ronnie Amos at 865-363-4440.
We’re meeting with the Company tomorrow on 3/14/2025 on the payouts for the Holiday Pay settlement. They’ve sent us a list, but it wasn’t complete. So, its going to take some work. We’re going to be working with Department Chairs to be sure that our lists are accurate. If you were affected and didn’t receive 3.5 pay when you were called in, please make sure your Chair has your name.
Next round of 5th Steps are scheduled for 5/7/2025, and we’re in the process of setting up the next dates for arbitration.
Please be sure to share this link with anyone that has not already subscribed to it. This is the best way to get accurate information.
Find Your Representative |
Marsha Blackburn
357 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3344
Email Me – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
Bill Hagarty
251 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4944
Email Bill – Senator Bill Hagerty
In Solidarity,
Nick McCarter
President, USW Local 309
(865) 254-6252
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