But it’s just a Mid-Term!

As mid-term elections are approaching, we are once again faced with making choices about who will represent us. Often, mid-terms get set aside and deemed “not as important” as a presidential election. What we have found, however, is that these elections have become more important than ever. 
Some may say that having a voice at the ballot box doesn’t make a difference. That is a dangerous misconception, and it allows others to take control of your future. What happens locally and at that state level has enormous influence on our lives. Remember what happened in 2010? Voter turnout was only 40.7% of eligible voters. Voters stayed home and new majorities in many statehouses began an unprecedented attack on workers and their families.  They acted to deny workers’ rights by denying public sector workers the basic right of representation and attempted to weaken collective bargaining by pushing so-called right to work legislation. New majorities pushed forward harsh austerity agendas wiping out family supportive jobs through privatization and stealing away future opportunities by cutting education funding.

This was only the beginning. At every turn for the last four years, we have had to take on a fight at the state level.  Since 2010, Rapid Response has engaged in dozens and dozens of state and local level issues.

Our fight is no longer just in the halls of Congress. It is a battle cry that echoes in statehouses, county commissions and town halls across the nation. Many of these elected officials are on the ballot November 4.

We cannot sit this one out. It is time for us to be on the offense and the only way to do that is to get out, vote, and put elected officials in office who have working family’s best interest in mind.


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