City Hall Watch

mayor-btdaOn March 19, 2014, the BTDA had a productive meeting with the Mayor’s office. We provided them with a history of the struggles and injustices that the BTDA has been dealing with for many years. At the end of the meeting we told the Mayor how he could help the Boston cab drivers immediately by repealing the following mandates from Rule 403:

  1. Repeal the $18 new vehicle premium;
  2. Reduce the credit card fee to 2% with a future proposal for a universal smart app payment system for Boston passengers and taxi drivers; and
  3. Eliminate mandatory radio associations’ fees. Digital dispatch is a thing of the past. For years now the BTDA has been demanding a fee for service system. Why should we be paying to keep the radio associations in business if they don’t earn it, they don’t deserve to get paid.

Mayor Walsh is a man of his word. He promised this union he would create a civilian commission; recognize the United Steelworkers as the representative of Boston’s taxi drivers and promised hackney reform. March 19 was the first step in fulfilling his commitment.


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