Rapid Response Info Alert: Right-to-Work: A Renewed Threat to Montana Workers!

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The Worker Freedom Act (LC4333), the latest attempt to pass a Right-to- Work law in Montana, is not new. Similar efforts have been introduced multiple times and Montana workers have repeatedly stood together to protect their rights and reject this corporate – driven agenda. We know that despite its name, this bill is designed to weaken unions, lower wages, and strip workers of their collective power.

States which have passed similar bills have lower pay and fewer benefits for workers, weaker workplace protections and job security, and less bargaining power for unions to negotiate fair contracts.

What This Bill Does:

  • Prohibits union security clauses. –These clauses are a vital part of our collective bargaining agreements that require employees to support the union, either through membership or fees. Prohibiting these clauses means workers get the benefits of the contract, but don’t have to contribute financially in any way. Once a union security clause is removed from a contract, it could be incredibly difficult to bargain back in should Right-to-Work be overturned in the future.
  • Encourages division among workers. – Employers would be required to post notices telling employees they don’t have to support their union, making it easier to divide and weaken our collective strength.
  • Criminalizes union activity. – Strikes or picketing to push for fair contracts that include dues or membership requirements would be illegal, with fines up to $1,000 for violations.

What This Means for You

This bill is designed to divide workers and weaken unions in Montana. While it claims to promote “freedom of choice,” it’s real impact would be making it harder for workers to stand together and fight for fair treatment. Union power comes from solidarity. Without strong membership, collective bargaining loses its strength. We expect movement as early as next week, so stay tuned to Rapid Response on how you can join the fight to protect our rights.

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