USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Progressive talk show host Leslie Marshall spoke with United Steelworkers (USW) International Vice President Tom Conway about the dysfunctional Senate and how Americans are losing protections they would normally have because of Republican obstructionism.
They talked about how the Senate normally would come together to discuss and come to an agreement on legislation. In the last five years, through delay tactics and filibusters, the Republicans have created a broken branch of government.
“Government doesn’t work if you don’t work it,” said Conway, “and the people who say government is not working, are the ones who are frankly shoving it down, squeezing it off and trying to stop progress from being made.”
We have organizations such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the National Relations Labor Board who are there to protect the best interest of the people but because the Republicans will not approve appointments, they are doing harm to the nation. American are not getting the protection, whether it be as consumers on a financial level or as workers in the labor market.
“When you begin to dismantle a free and open labor movement in your country and the imbalance becomes the power swing so much to one side,” said Conway, “you are really getting at the heart of your democracy and collective bargaining in America is a system that has worked and it has checks and balances between wage earners and owners.”
To hear more of the discussion, click the audio below.
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