USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
On August 13, the third day on the Convention, the United Steelworker delegates were treated to two powerful men in politics.
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid said Republicans are not helping the working man and woman. He spoke about legislation proposed by President Obama and Senate Democrats aimed at helping working men and women.
“Congressional Republicans are doing everything they can to block legislation to help you,” Reid said. “They’re simply not interested in helping American families.”
“We cannot go back to the way things were during the Bush administration,” added Reid. “We’ve got a fight on our hands.
Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO, lit up the convention hall Wednesday leaving delegates with a charge to come together with all workers, union or not, to continue to fight for fair wages for all, to fight for the right organize and form a union, and to stand arm in arm working for a better future.
“We live in the richest nation on the earth, at its most rich point in time,” said Trumka. “And, a decent life, a decent life isn’t too much to ask for.”
Trumka made a promise to every delegate and Steelworker member that no one would work harder to elect the leaders who will support American workers, American Manufacturing jobs, the right to collectively bargain for a better life raising wages and growing our economy. Click here to watch a highlight from his speech.
Both men received well-deserved standing ovations.
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