Tom Conway Discusses Immigration Reform and Preventing Employer Abuse

Progressive talk show host Leslie Marshall spoke with United Steelworkers (USW) International Vice President Tom Conway about immigration reform and how this can prevent employer abuse.

Many people look at immigration reform as a citizenship, numbers of people and numbers of dollars. What they fail to recognize that these are individuals who are often abused by people who are breaking the law and are blaming the victim.

“When you can hire a workforce who lives in continual fear and can’t talk back, can’t speak back, in many instances are paid what is given to them, there’s no way they can sort of challenge it, said Conway. “Because, if you want to speak back to that boss, he’s going to call the immigration services and within 24 hours, you’re going to find yourself handcuffed and in van with a one-way ticket back to wherever you came from.”

To hear more of Tom and Leslie’s discussion, click the audio below.


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