Workers from Two Countries Facing Common Issues Come Together for Cross Border Training

d12-train1On July 23 and 24, United Steelworker members from Asarco/Grupo locals in Arizona and members from five Sections in Mexico representing Los Mineros participated in the first cross border training in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico.

United Steelworkers International President Leo W. Gerard and General Secretary of Los Mineros Napoleon Gomez recognize the potential they have to build international solidarity and encourage their members to work together.

“Our unions have held an alliance on paper for quite a while,” said District 12 Director, Robert LaVenture. “We took this opportunity to bring like-minded workers together to discuss like-minded ideas as we face a common employer, Grupo Mexico.

The first day of class, the 45 participates discussed labor history of their respective unions and copies of the Spanish version of the USW New Members kit were distributed. Later in the day, a discussion was held concerning the programs that would be needed for future trainings.

The second day, they broke into groups to brainstorm on the most important issues facing us within our unions, and then presented their ideas and suggestions to the class. Developing the membership, better communication with our members and the community, and organizing were the overwhelming issues that the members brought forward.

Hats off to Ericka Wills, a labor history professor, who helped to facilitate our discussions over the two-day training. Assisting in ensuring this program was a success was Manny Armenta from the United Steelworkers and Juan Lineros from Los Mineros.

A follow-up training will take place in Tucson, AZ., in September.

“I was thrilled to see the number the participants who attended. I was encouraged to see the solidarity and honest discussions to solve our issues and I am excited to see what the future holds for this joint program,” said LaVenture.



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