2014 District 9 Education Conference


conferenceconferenceConference Information

The District 9 2014 Education Conference is scheduled for September 29 - October 2, 2014 at the Hilton Sandestin, 4000 Sandestin Blvd South, Destin, Florida.

Click Here for the Call Letter

Hotel Reservations

Hotel reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 800.367.1271 or by CLICKING HERE to book online. Be sure to enter the Group Code UST to get the Conference rate of $109, plus applicable taxes.

Cut-off for hotel reservations is August 15, 2014 and reservations made after that date will be at the hotel’s prevailing rate, not the negotiated conference rate. PLEASE NOTE: Cancellation fees after the deadline (fourteen days prior to scheduled arrival) and early checkout penalties are the responsibility of the local union.

Conference Registration and Fees

Registration is 1–6 p.m. Sunday, September 28, 2014 and 7:30–8:30 a.m. Monday, September 29, 2014.  All delegates must attend Orientation Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. 

Conference registration fees are as follows:

     Early Bird Registration         $190 per delegate    must be received no later than June 13, 2014

     Advanced Pre-Registration   $215 per delegate    must be received between June 16 - July 25, 2014    

     Pre-Registration                  $225 per delegate    must be received between July 28 – August 29, 2014

Deadline for all discounts is August 29, 2014
Registration fee after August 29 is $240 per delegate

Click Here for the Conference Registration Form

Conference Information

Fees include the cost of materials, a Conference t-shirt, lunch for  registered delegates on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Wednesday  night’s reception. All expenses incurred for attending (including the  registration fee, hotel and lost time) are the responsibility of the  Local.

New Classes have been added and the Social Media and USPA classes combined. Due to limited availability, all classes are on a first come basis. Therefore, Locals are encouraged to return completed forms for each delegate, along with payment, to USW District 9 Education Fund as soon as possible.  Thoughtful consideration should be given when choosing a class as your selection is for the entire Conference!

Click Here for Conference Training Information