D11 Collective Bargaining Conference

In order to improve the collective bargaining efforts of our union, a Collective Bargaining Conference will be held April 21-24, 2024 at the Argosy Casino Hotel and Spa in Riverside, Missouri. 

This conference is for all local unions whose contracts expire between May 1, 2024 and April 30, 2025.

It will be the responsibility of each local to decide how many delegates to send, but I would strongly encourage, at a minimum, the President or Unit President of each affected contract to participate. The details are as follows: 

Registration: Sunday, April 21 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. or 
Monday, April 22 from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. 
Dates/Time: Monday, April 22 and Tuesday, April 23 (full days) 
Wednesday, April 24 (1:00 p.m. end time) 
Location: Argosy Casino Hotel and Spa 
777 NW Argosy Parkway 
Riverside, MO 64150 
Ph: (800) 270-7711 

The tentative curriculum will include the following subjects: 

  • Building Power 
  • Law of Collective Bargaining 
  • Bargaining Committee Training 
  • Health and Retirement Benefits 
  • Research Methods 

The training will include a mock bargaining session and debrief. The conference ends on Wednesday which will be a half day of training. 

There will be a registration fee of $125 for each participant which includes the cost of all training materials and breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday.

All other costs such as lost time, hotel and travel expenses will be the responsibility of the local union. Please complete the enclosed registration form and return it, along with a check, for the registration fee to the District office in Minneapolis no later than March 15, 2024. 

A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at the Argosy at the rate of $119.99 per night plus tax. You are responsible for making your own reservations.

Reservations can be made by going to ArgosyKansasCity.com, click on Book Now and enter code US042124 or call 1-800-270-7711 and ask for the United Steelworkers-Collective Bargaining room block to receive this reduced rate. The deadline date for reservations is April 3, 2024. 

This training is a valuable tool in preparing your bargaining committees for negotiations and we urge your local union to take advantage of this opportunity. We hope to see you in Riverside in April. 

Click here for the full call letter PDF
Click here for the registration PDF

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