District 1 New Officers and Financial Training: Cleveland, Ohio


Now that Local Union elections are concluded, District 1 will be offering a two-day New Officer Training Seminar for all new officers and those that would like to have more understanding of their roles as officers on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 and Thursday, August 15, 2024 at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown located at 100 Lakeside Avenue East, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Registration will begin at 8:00 am on Wednesday and class will commence at 9:00 am. Class will again commence at 9:00 am on Thursday. Classes should conclude no later than 4:30 pm each day.

There is no fee to attend these classes, but you must register to attend.  We will be providing lunch both days and need to give the hotel a proper count for meals and for seating. We also need to have enough materials for all those that will be in attendance. Please be sure to complete and return the registration form by August 1, 2024. As usual, all lost time and expenses must be borne by the Local Union.

 Click here for the registration form.

For those that need overnight accommodations, a block of rooms has been reserved at the hotel for the rate of $209.00 per night plus tax. The cut-off date is July 23rd to obtain this special rate. To book your hotel room, please contact the hotel directly at 216-413-5000 (Press #1) or book online at https://book.passkey.com/go/USWD1

Our Education Department from Pittsburgh will be teaching the classes and will go in-depth on the duties of each of your positions. Each officer should bring their local union contract book along with their local union By-Laws (if you have your own local union by-laws). We will be providing Constitutions and By-laws for those that go by the International’s By-Laws and Amalgamated By-Laws.  Be prepared to learn your duties and how to run your local union effectively and smoothly.

As part of this training, there will be a separate financial training class for the Financial Secretaries and Treasurers. This two-day class will be to train you on the job that you were elected to perform, cover the duties of the officers and cover the requirements of the IRS, Department of Labor, Policies of the USW International and the International Constitution and By-Laws. YOU MUST BRING YOUR LAPTOP AND HAVE EXCEL DOWNLOADED AND ACTIVATED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER BEFORE THE CLASS. You will be provided a Financial Officers Manual and will be reviewing this in detail. Be sure to be prepared for the class.