District 1 Women of Steel: Year 4

District 1 Women of Steel Leadership Year 4 is a communication skills and mentoring program, along with organizing. You must have completed Year 3 to attend.

Year 4 is being held at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South on March 17-22, 2024.


Click here to download the registration form as a PDF.

In order to ensure proper communication with the participants, please be sure to complete the registration form legibly and in its entirety. Use a separate form for each individual.

Registration deadline: Feb. 23, 2024

The cost for each participant’s attendance by the local union will be $125 which will cover breakfast, lunch and the banquet on Thursday evening in addition to the materials used for the courses. As always, all lost time and expenses must be borne by the local union.

Make Checks payable to: USW District 1 Education / Recreation Fund

Mail Check & Registration Form to:

United Steelworkers
Women of Steel Courses
4069 Bradley Circle NW
Canton, OH  44718.

This course is limited to thirty (30) participants per course.  All registration forms and fees will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Due to limited class size, we ask that each local send a maximum of 2 sisters.  If your local plans to send more, we will have to evaluate the response from all/other locals and some sisters beyond the 2 sisters may be put on a “waiting list”,


This course is being held at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South, 6001 Rockside Road, Independence, OH 43131.

The negotiated room rate is $116 per night, plus tax (single or double occupancy).

To make hotel reservations, click here OR call the hotel directly at 216-524-8050.  Please use Code: WOS or Women of Steel.

To receive the negotiated hotel rate, you must make your reservation by the registration deadline date and use the Code.  

Hotel Rooms must be canceled 24 hours prior to arrival by the local or you will be charged by the hotel.

Reserving your room does not register you for the course and registering for the course does not reserve your room, both need to be done to attend.


In order to cover all the course material, classes will tentatively start at 8 a.m. and conclude at 4:30 p.m., and on occasion there may be evening classes.

Check-in is on Sunday after 3 p.m.; check-out is on Friday after the morning session wrap-up. A detailed agenda and confirmation letter will be sent directly to each participant prior to their scheduled week of attendance.

These Women of Steel Courses are coordinated by Teresa Cassady, District 1 Assistant to the Director and Tonya DeVore, District 1 Staff Representative.

Should you have any questions regarding the courses, please contact Teresa at tcassady@usw.org, or 419-619-9931 (cell); Tonya at tdevore@usw.org, or 269-718-9723 (cell); or Marie Webster, Administrative Assistant at mwebster@usw.org, or 330-493-7721 (office).

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