District 10 Family Picnic at Idlewild & SoakZone

Click here for a printable flier.

The District 10 picnic at Idlewild & SoakZone in Ligonier, PA is scheduled for Sunday, August 11, 2024. There is a discounted price for all USW members and their guests. The cost of an admission ticket for adults and children is $32.00 (ages two & under are free and do not require a ticket). Tickets can only be used on the day of the picnic. Parking is free.

Pavilion C-2, C-3 and B-5 areas are reserved. We will provide refreshments (pop and water) at the park. We will gather there at 4:30 pm for prizes and a drawing.

Tickets can be purchased either at the District 10 Office in Forest Hills or by mail. Please fill out the enclosed form and return it, along with a check or money order made payable to “District 10 Recreation Fund,” to:
USW District 10
Attention: Idlewild Picnic
1001 Ardmore Blvd
Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15221

The deadline is Friday, July 26, 2024. Your tickets will be sent to you by mail.

If you have any questions, please contact Darlene Mazak at (412) 824-8140.


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