Dear Brothers and Sisters:
We are excited to announce the upcoming Rally and Lobby Day scheduled for June 24 – 25, 2024.
Registration will be held on Sunday, June 23, from 3 – 6 PM in the lobby at the Hilton Harrisburg, One North Second Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101. Lobby Day Prep will take place on Monday, June 24, starting at 9 AM in the Juniata Room. This session will include a thorough review of the issues we plan to lobby our state legislators on and train you on the intricacies of lobbying. You will be provided with everything you need for the Lobby Day. There is no registration fee!
To register, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D10Capitol.
Ensuring that our legislators know who we are and what we need from them lies at the heart of our District efforts, and we believe that no one can accomplish this better than our members. On Tuesday, June 25, we will head to the State Capitol to meet with legislators and elected officials. At noon, we will hold a rally on the steps of the Capitol Rotunda, followed by a debriefing session before departure.
The District will arrange bus transportation specifically for Rally and Lobby Day activities on Tuesday morning. Buses will depart from both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia for members who are not staying overnight in Harrisburg, contingent upon having enough sign-ups. Please complete the form in the attached link to indicate your availability: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D10Capitol. We will confirm bus transportation once responses are collected.
For hotel reservations, contact the Hilton Harrisburg at (717) 233-6000. Use group code 99Z to receive the special room rate of $169 per night (plus taxes, fees, and assessments). The deadline for making reservations is Monday, June 3.
Reservations can also be made online at https://bit.ly/D10LobbyDay2024 or by scanning the QR code below:
Please note that lost time, per diem, and travel costs will be the responsibility of the Local Union.
The success of the labor movement depends on our ability to build power through activism. Legislative engagement is one of the most immediate ways to fight against the efforts of employers to diminish hard-won workers’ rights. Through one-on-one conversations with our elected officials, we will demonstrate our readiness to fight for and protect our core values that make the working class stable and strong.
For questions regarding the Lobby Day Prep or Rally, please contact Maurice Cobb at (717) 315-3045 or mcobb@usw.org.
We eagerly anticipate seeing everyone there.
In solidarity,
Bernie Hall
District 10 Director