District 10 will offer a Next Generation – Level III Course for Local Union members at Linden Hall in Dawson, PA from Sunday, April 21, 2024, to Thursday, April 25, 2024. Registration is Sunday at 3:00 pm followed by dinner at 5:00 pm and there will be a Welcome Session at 6:00 pm. Monday through Wednesday classes will be held from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and on Thursday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
*The prerequisite to participating in the Next Gen Level III Leadership Course is completion of the Next Gen Level I and II Courses
Registration and Hotel Information
The registration fee for the seminar is $400 per person and includes room (double occupancy for Local Union members only), classroom materials, and meals. Please indicate on the registration form if there are members who prefer to share a room.
All others will be assigned a roommate after registrations are received. If you wish to request or require a single room, the cost of the registration fee is $880 and subject to availability. The District 10 office will make the room reservations.
For anyone not staying overnight at Linden Hall, the registration fee for the seminar is $200 per person for classroom materials and meals. This is subject to change.
Registration forms should be received at the District 10 office by Monday, March 11, 2024. After this date, registrations will only be accepted if rooms are still available. Each Local Union will be responsible for any lost time, travel, and expenses. We encourage all Local Unions to participate in this seminar.