SOAR Members Join Fight for Fairness in Steel Industry

SOAR members from across the United States stood side by side with thousands of their USW brothers and sisters on Aug. 30 as the union held a series of rallies and marches calling for fair contracts with steelmakers ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel.

“Today, we saw hard-working people standing up with one voice demanding fair treatment for themselves and their families,” USW International President Leo W. Gerard said of the events.

The union’s negotiations with ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel cover a total of 31,000 active workers and also set health care and retirement benefits for thousands more retired workers. The companies’ most recent proposals have sought to impose higher health care costs on both active and retired employees.

“These workers and their families have made significant sacrifices over the years to put these two companies in a position to be successful,” Gerard said. “They deserve to share in that success.” 

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