Union-Made St. Patrick’s Day Shopping List




Basil Hayden’s


Elijah Craig

Henry McKenna

Jim Beam

Knob Creek

Old Crow

Old Grand-Dad

Click here for more from Union 411, the union business directory from the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.   

Here are just some of the union-made beers brought to you by the UFCW, Machinists (IAM), UAW and Teamsters (IBT). For more ideas, visit Union 411 and Union Plus



Budweiser American Ale

Bud Light


Henry Weinhard’s Private Reserve and Blue Board Pale Ale



Miller Genuine Draft

Miller High Life

Miller Lite


Rolling Rock

Shock Top


For a touch of global solidarity, the Irish-imported favorite Guinness is brewed at facilities where workers are represented by half unions of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, including the Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU) and the Guinness Staff Union (GSU).        

What would St. Patrick’s Day be without a nice slab of corned beef and corned beef products from Saag’s that carry the UFCW union label? 

You can even make Irish and Irish-for-a-day eyes smile with a union-made St. Patrick’s Day card from American Greetings brought to you by some 500 IBT members, print and produce cards at the firm’s Bardstown, Ky., plant.

Paint the town green.

Want more union-made product lists? Text MADE to 235246 (standard data and message rates may apply).


This has been reposted from AFL-CIO.

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