USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Contact: Gary Hubbard, 202-256-8125;;
Wayne Ranick, 412-901-8442;
Pittsburgh (Jan. 8, 2011) – Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers (USW), joined with the union’s Arizona district leader in speaking on behalf of the mortified reaction by many local union members on today’s reports of the shooting in a Tucson shopping center of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a federal judge and 16 others during a public event.
Gerard said, “We are deeply saddened and also contemptuous of today’s violent event in Tucson. We all need to offer our private prayers for Rep. Giffords’ recovery to her family, constituents and our nation. The medical team in Tucson needs our heartfelt support for the others gravely wounded, and our collective sympathy goes to the families of those who lost their lives in this tragedy.” | “We need to be a nation that comes together and rises to our best values.” Leo W. Gerard |
Distressed by the incident and trying to help others consider how to cope with the feelings and anger of the tragedy for the families, the state and nation — Gerard urged, “We need to be a nation that comes together and rises to our best values.”
Speaking on behalf of the USW active and retired members in Arizona’s eighth congressional district who supported U.S. Rep. Giffords in her recent re-election to a third term, Gerard said: “She is a principled public servant on the issues important to Arizona’s working families.”
Robert LaVenture, Director, USW District 12 of Albuquerque who represents copper miners and metal manufacturing workers in Arizona, confirmed that families of USW members work, shop and live in the same area as the site of the incident at the Tucson shopping center. “We all have contempt for this violent act and are horrified that an honoured Member of Congress was gunned down.”
The USW district director adds, “The congresswoman and her family deserve our best hopes and prayers for her full recovery.”
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