Vegas Cab Drivers to Mobilize Sidewalk Rally of 2,000 Steelworkers

Supporting Drivers’ Alliance in labor talks of ITPE, Tues, 8:00 am




Las Vegas – On Tuesday, Jul. 1 at 8:00 am, PT,  more than 2,000 Steelworkers Union members are going to rally with ‘Fair Contract’ information signs on the sidewalks of South Las Vegas Blvd., outside of the Bally’s and Paris Hotels, joined by a fleet of union drivers who will be working the area in their cabs.


Despite negotiations with the cab company owners, the drivers have been working without a new labor contract since December. Issues include livable wages, long hours, and targeted terminations of union drivers.


A press briefing at 7:45 am prior to the rally start will be held by leaders of the Las Vegas union cabbies on the sidewalk located on the East side of Las Vegas Blvd., near the stairway exit coming down from the pedestrian bridges leading to Bally’s Hotel (3645 Las Vegas Blvd., South) and the Bellagio Hotel.


Participating will be Leo W. Gerard, international president of the United Steelworkers (USW). The USW is holding a convention at the Bally’s-Paris Conference Center.


A Las Vegas Alliance for Taxi and Limousine Drivers represents nearly 5,000 drivers in USW Local 711A and the Industrial Technical Professional Employees Union (ITPE), Local 4873, which is an affiliate of the Office and Professional employees International Union (OPEIU). About 2,200 drivers at Yellow, Checker and Star cabs are covered by the ITPE, whose contract expired. The USW represents 2,800 drivers in seven other cab companies, with contracts expiring next year.


Gerard says: “The Alliance gets our support as working families from across North America who come here, expecting the corporate owners of these cab companies to provide drivers an overdue labor contract with pay check equity.”



WHO:             USW President Leo W. Gerard, plus leaders of the cab drivers represented by OPEIU-ITPEU Local 4873 and USW Local 711A


WHAT:           Press briefing & sidewalk unity rally on Las Vegas Blvd, South, between Bally’s and Paris Hotels by Steelworkers with Las Vegas union cab drivers.


WHEN:           Tuesday, July 1 – 7:45 am, PT for press briefing; rally, 8:00 – 8:20 am


WHERE:        The press briefing will be on the sidewalk on the East side of Las Vegas Blvd., near the stairway exit coming down from the pedestrian bridges leading to Bally’s Hotel (3645 Las Vegas Blvd., South) and the Bellagio Hotel. Steelworkers will be on the sidewalks lining both sides of Las Vegas Blvd, South, in front of Bally’s and Paris Hotels (3645 to 3655 Las Vegas Blvd., South)


For More Information:  Gary Hubbard, USW, 202-256-8125 (M); 702-946-3002 (O);

 or Cesar Mendia, Alliance, 702-735-4005; (M) 832-434-8838.


Contact: Gary Hubbard, USW, 202-256-8125; 702-946-3002

                Cesar Mendia, Cab Alliance, 702-735-4005; (M) 832-434-8838




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