Local 309 Membership Update: July 12, 2024

This week Ronnie has been able to meet with both ORNL and Alcoa Tenn Federal Credit Unions. We had some success at both institutions. We’re going to be putting the details together and getting them out ASAP.

We’ve got the top safety leadership in the Union scheduled to attend OSHA training 7/22-7/25/2024. This will be beneficial to us by giving our safety professionals some more training to be able to make our facilities safer.

The company settled the 2 Mini-Arb cases that we had scheduled for next week. We’re going to start gathering up the next round of grievances that we will be sending up to Mini-Arb next week.

We had Labor/Management today and we had 4 agenda items that we brought to them.

  • Plant Chairs not being involved in high level discipline/investigations (time off 2-Days or more, compliance line investigations, etc.). The Managers agreed that the chairs will be notified and included in all the mentioned situations.
  • SWIs being written/modified without going through the proper channels. We’re going to be gathering a list of all the safety committee members and submitting this to the company, so they’ll have a reference point of who to contact from the Union for assistance when SWIs need to be written/modified.
  • USW Safety Committee representatives not being present during incident investigations. As stated above, we’re going to be sending in the list of employees that should be used by the company to assist in safety investigations.
  • 4 CB&G jobs that are owed due to the 2022 Local Negotiations Agreement. Company agreed to bring us a timeline back by the next Labor/Management meeting, 7/19/2024.

Next week the temperatures are going to be high. Please continue to hydrate and look out for one another. The company is supposed to be putting out some alerts about the heat index and things of this nature. They’ve also ensured that plenty of Gatorade and water will be readily available. If you need any assistance in getting any of these don’t hesitate to reach out to the Union leadership for help.

Thank you for all that you do and be safe in there.

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